People Stories
Every now and again you come across someone who you immediately want to photograph, either because of their image, behaviour or situation. It can be a challenge to engage with the individual who might be unknown to you, as you're never sure what reaction or response you might get. This of course is part of the challenge and the end result can be extremely rewarding. My People Stories are not just about the image, but also about the individuals circumstance, hobby or history. This collection catalogues those individuals who fit into the aforementioned criteria. I hope you enjoy them?
I first met A J M B whilst taking photographs in Blaisdon village as part of my 'Villages of the Forest of Dean" project. He's a writer and was writing a book about the village entitled 'Blaisdon Made Me' and he asked if he could use some of my images in his upcoming book; I happily agreed. Over a year later he sent me a copy of his book which featured two of my images. By chance today he came into The George gallery in Newnham where I've been exhibiting and after a couple of 'double-takes' we realised we knew each other; I asked if I could take his photo and he duly obliged. He told me he was writing a poem and subsequently bought one of my framed pictures which he said reflected the words he had written, I'm now waiting impatiently for him to send me a copy of the poem. A lovely gentleman who clearly has a love for his village.
I first met A J M B whilst taking photographs in Blaisdon village as part of my 'Villages of the Forest of Dean" project. He's a writer and was writing a book about the village entitled 'Blaisdon Made Me' and he asked if he could use some of my images in his upcoming book; I happily agreed. Over a year later he sent me a copy of his book which featured two of my images. By chance today he came into The George gallery in Newnham where I've been exhibiting and after a couple of 'double-takes' we realised we knew each other; I asked if I could take his photo and he duly obliged. He told me he was writing a poem and subsequently bought one of my framed pictures which he said reflected the words he had written, I'm now waiting impatiently for him to send me a copy of the poem. A lovely gentleman who clearly has a love for his village.
Meet Andy, entrepreneur and proprietor of Lot 47, Ross on Wye. Andy was 'standing guard' as I passed by his small emporium of collectibles and bric-a-brac, but he has a winning smile and a great hat, so I stopped to chat. He hails from Salford and has been running Lot 47 for the last 12 years after working in catering and as a porter in an auction house where he 'got the bug'' for buying and selling. One of his anecdotes was that he was so pleased when he passed his driving test, and almost immediately got a job on Stark in the Channel Items; no cars are allowed on Stark! If you're in Ross, pop in and say hello, Lot 47 is in the High Street going up towards the church.
Meet Andy, entrepreneur and proprietor of Lot 47, Ross on Wye. Andy was 'standing guard' as I passed by his small emporium of collectibles and bric-a-brac, but he has a winning smile and a great hat, so I stopped to chat. He hails from Salford and has been running Lot 47 for the last 12 years after working in catering and as a porter in an auction house where he 'got the bug'' for buying and selling. One of his anecdotes was that he was so pleased when he passed his driving test, and almost immediately got a job on Stark in the Channel Items; no cars are allowed on Stark! If you're in Ross, pop in and say hello, Lot 47 is in the High Street going up towards the church.
I met Karl and his really cute and unusual Italian Greyhounds whilst walking around Brandon Hill, Bristol. I'd never seen miniature greyhounds before. They're not related and Margot is 3 years old and Bonnie is 5 years old, albeit the smaller of the two. She is a rescue dog and believed not to have been well looked after and has a steel plate in her right front leg; hard to believe given how slim they are. Karl is really charming guy who made a big career change from high finance to becoming a professional dog walker. He, his partner and the two lovely dogs were on a weekend break from their home in Tonbridge Wells. We had a great chat and the 'girls' were more than happy for me to snap some pictures.
I met Karl and his really cute and unusual Italian Greyhounds whilst walking around Brandon Hill, Bristol. I'd never seen miniature greyhounds before. They're not related and Margot is 3 years old and Bonnie is 5 years old, albeit the smaller of the two. She is a rescue dog and believed not to have been well looked after and has a steel plate in her right front leg; hard to believe given how slim they are. Karl is really charming guy who made a big career change from high finance to becoming a professional dog walker. He, his partner and the two lovely dogs were on a weekend break from their home in Tonbridge Wells. We had a great chat and the 'girls' were more than happy for me to snap some pictures.
With the world looking on in horror, it's hard to imagine what the people of Ukraine are going through. I visited Bristol as I'd hear there was a 'cost of living' demonstration to be held on College Green, There was, but I noticed across the other side of the green were these two people displaying the colours, which in recent weeks have been emblazoned across our screens and become embedded in our hearts and minds. I wanted to find out about them and hoped they would allow me to take their photo, they were more than happy to oblige. Talking with them and showing his support was a Russian tourist; he was happy for me to take his photo as long as the placard was not in the picture, too risky he said.
Maryna is originally from Kharkiv but moved to the UK sixteen years ago and is now married to Jonathon who is English. Her first husband used to work in the Kremlin and she has a thirty year old son Alexei who still lives in Russia, she fears for him. She is clearly concerned and angry about the situation her Country, cousins fighting cousins just because of Putin; "he is an aggressor" she says with anger in her voice. Maryna was making impassioned pleas to all who would listen to her. "no fly zone, no fly zone' she cries again and again. She tells me it is an International Day of Solidarity across the world, the pain and heartache is visible in her eyes; I give her a hug.
With the world looking on in horror, it's hard to imagine what the people of Ukraine are going through. I visited Bristol as I'd hear there was a 'cost of living' demonstration to be held on College Green, There was, but I noticed across the other side of the green were these two people displaying the colours, which in recent weeks have been emblazoned across our screens and become embedded in our hearts and minds. I wanted to find out about them and hoped they would allow me to take their photo, they were more than happy to oblige. Talking with them and showing his support was a Russian tourist; he was happy for me to take his photo as long as the placard was not in the picture, too risky he said.
Maryna is originally from Kharkiv but moved to the UK sixteen years ago and is now married to Jonathon who is English. Her first husband used to work in the Kremlin and she has a thirty year old son Alexei who still lives in Russia, she fears for him. She is clearly concerned and angry about the situation her Country, cousins fighting cousins just because of Putin; "he is an aggressor" she says with anger in her voice. Maryna was making impassioned pleas to all who would listen to her. "no fly zone, no fly zone' she cries again and again. She tells me it is an International Day of Solidarity across the world, the pain and heartache is visible in her eyes; I give her a hug.
I read on Facebook about an event in the Forest called the Alaskan Malamute Working Dog Sled Event. This a special race event for Huskies and Malamute dogs who race along a designated track in the Forest. As I walked around the circuit for a better viewpoint I came across this Marshal and asked him what time the next dogs were due. I told him how impressed I was by his beard and asked if I could take his photo and he explained about his beard. He was always clean shaven, his wife was very particular about that, but in 2015 after a long illness she eventually went into hospital and was clearly very unwell. He visited every day and sometimes didn't have time to shave, and this turned out to be a 'talking point' when he was at his wife's bedside; although she grumbled about it, it helped to take her mind off the situation she was in. So the beard grew a little each day but sadly Joe's wife lost her battle. He decided to keep growing the beard, it sort of became symbolic and it now defines him and no doubt forms part of the memories he keeps of his late wife.
* I've called him Joe as unfortunately I didn't get his name.
I read on Facebook about an event in the Forest called the Alaskan Malamute Working Dog Sled Event. This a special race event for Huskies and Malamute dogs who race along a designated track in the Forest. As I walked around the circuit for a better viewpoint I came across this Marshal and asked him what time the next dogs were due. I told him how impressed I was by his beard and asked if I could take his photo and he explained about his beard. He was always clean shaven, his wife was very particular about that, but in 2015 after a long illness she eventually went into hospital and was clearly very unwell. He visited every day and sometimes didn't have time to shave, and this turned out to be a 'talking point' when he was at his wife's bedside; although she grumbled about it, it helped to take her mind off the situation she was in. So the beard grew a little each day but sadly Joe's wife lost her battle. He decided to keep growing the beard, it sort of became symbolic and it now defines him and no doubt forms part of the memories he keeps of his late wife.
* I've called him Joe as unfortunately I didn't get his name.
This was my first visit to Clanna Pond it was early evening and the sun was slowly going down, a good time for some photo's. This gentleman was the only one fishing and and a very pleasant chap he was to. Just as we were striking up a conversation, hey presto a Rainbow Trout took the fly and a few minutes later it was expertly landed. Ron hails from Leamington Spa and worked in the aviation industry before settling in Wollaston, a village close by. You will also find him selling his antiques and collectables at the Folly Farm Boot Sale in Coleford most Sundays during the summer months.
This was my first visit to Clanna Pond it was early evening and the sun was slowly going down, a good time for some photo's. This gentleman was the only one fishing and and a very pleasant chap he was to. Just as we were striking up a conversation, hey presto a Rainbow Trout took the fly and a few minutes later it was expertly landed. Ron hails from Leamington Spa and worked in the aviation industry before settling in Wollaston, a village close by. You will also find him selling his antiques and collectables at the Folly Farm Boot Sale in Coleford most Sundays during the summer months.
On my exercise walk today I visited a location I'd not been to before and experienced two wonderful surprises. The first was an old bridge and with a cascading torrent and then along came the lovely Bernie, who stopped for a chat. Bernie, originally from Carricfergus in County Antrim has lived in the Forest area for over 25 years and fortunately has not lost the lovely Irish accent. She is a great outdoors person and walks for miles every day in the forest and never fails to be humbled by its beauty. We talked about the modern day pressures and how youngsters today don't always appreciate what nature has to offer; "Get them out and off their iPads" was her passionate plea. We then discovered that her husband had been a member of an athletics club in the Black Country, in the same town I grew up and where my uncle also was a member; as they say, it's a small world. Bernie doesn't usually like her photo' to be taken, but she kindly agreed and I hope this photo shows what a great character she is. Take care Bernie, and continue enjoying the Forest and your walks.
On my exercise walk today I visited a location I'd not been to before and experienced two wonderful surprises. The first was an old bridge and with a cascading torrent and then along came the lovely Bernie, who stopped for a chat. Bernie, originally from Carricfergus in County Antrim has lived in the Forest area for over 25 years and fortunately has not lost the lovely Irish accent. She is a great outdoors person and walks for miles every day in the forest and never fails to be humbled by its beauty. We talked about the modern day pressures and how youngsters today don't always appreciate what nature has to offer; "Get them out and off their iPads" was her passionate plea. We then discovered that her husband had been a member of an athletics club in the Black Country, in the same town I grew up and where my uncle also was a member; as they say, it's a small world. Bernie doesn't usually like her photo' to be taken, but she kindly agreed and I hope this photo shows what a great character she is. Take care Bernie, and continue enjoying the Forest and your walks.
I met Nichola today at the beautiful Speculation location in the Forest of Dean. Nichola had just returned to her car after walking her two Jack Russells, Buddy and Rosie. Like myself and many people I have met locally, Nichola is not from 'the Forest' but as she say's "from up North"; Crewe actually. Her personal journey mainly through her job eventually led her to 'the Forest' and again like many others she decided to make it her home. A lovely personality, it was great to chat with her and capture this smile.
I met Nichola today at the beautiful Speculation location in the Forest of Dean. Nichola had just returned to her car after walking her two Jack Russells, Buddy and Rosie. Like myself and many people I have met locally, Nichola is not from 'the Forest' but as she say's "from up North"; Crewe actually. Her personal journey mainly through her job eventually led her to 'the Forest' and again like many others she decided to make it her home. A lovely personality, it was great to chat with her and capture this smile.
This is Dexter and his dog Patrick Swayze. Dexter’s been busking in and around Bristol for 10 years; it’s his passion, he doesn't want to work for anyone, just try and make a living doing something he enjoys. Very good musically with a little of ‘Cat Stevens’ in his voice. Good luck Dexter, keep your passion going and thank you for letting me take the photo's.
This is Dexter and his dog Patrick Swayze. Dexter’s been busking in and around Bristol for 10 years; it’s his passion, he doesn't want to work for anyone, just try and make a living doing something he enjoys. Very good musically with a little of ‘Cat Stevens’ in his voice. Good luck Dexter, keep your passion going and thank you for letting me take the photo's.
I bought a sandwich from a canal boat café at Gloucester Quays. Nigel used to be a manager at a 200 acre cider farm in Herefordshire but gave it up, bought this cafe boat in February full of hope and excitement for his new venture , then lockdown happened. He reopened a couple of weeks ago and it was nice to be able to give him some custom. A nice sandwich to take away along with a couple of freshly baked Welsh Cakes, yummy. If you're visiting the Quays and need a snack, give Nigel a try. I wish him well for the future
I bought a sandwich from a canal boat café at Gloucester Quays. Nigel used to be a manager at a 200 acre cider farm in Herefordshire but gave it up, bought this cafe boat in February full of hope and excitement for his new venture , then lockdown happened. He reopened a couple of weeks ago and it was nice to be able to give him some custom. A nice sandwich to take away along with a couple of freshly baked Welsh Cakes, yummy. If you're visiting the Quays and need a snack, give Nigel a try. I wish him well for the future
This is Irma and Lucas Vrij whom I met today whilst walking around Winchcombe. Irma and Lucas are from Naaldijk in Holland and are touring the UK. Arriving at Dover they have already visited Conwy in North Wales and Oxford and were stopping off at Winchcombe on their way to Glastonbury and then on to Penzance. We had a lovely chat and some funny moments with our accents. On hearing they were off to Glastonbury I asked if they were planning to go to Wells; we've already been there they said, Conwy. I explained I meant 'wells' as in water well and they laughed. I then asked if they would visit the Tor, to which they replied, "we may go on some tours", so I explained what the Glastonbury Tor was. A very engaging couple, on a visit to Cuba some years ago Lucas gave a pair of trainers and some of their children's clothes to one of the locals who were 'made up' with this lovely gesture. I hope Irma and Lucas enjoy the rest of their time in the UK.
This is Irma and Lucas Vrij whom I met today whilst walking around Winchcombe. Irma and Lucas are from Naaldijk in Holland and are touring the UK. Arriving at Dover they have already visited Conwy in North Wales and Oxford and were stopping off at Winchcombe on their way to Glastonbury and then on to Penzance. We had a lovely chat and some funny moments with our accents. On hearing they were off to Glastonbury I asked if they were planning to go to Wells; we've already been there they said, Conwy. I explained I meant 'wells' as in water well and they laughed. I then asked if they would visit the Tor, to which they replied, "we may go on some tours", so I explained what the Glastonbury Tor was. A very engaging couple, on a visit to Cuba some years ago Lucas gave a pair of trainers and some of their children's clothes to one of the locals who were 'made up' with this lovely gesture. I hope Irma and Lucas enjoy the rest of their time in the UK.
Welcome to Phil Davies. I got chatting to Phil at Lydney Harbour and discovered that the next day Phil and his 'crew', Jim Harris and Rob Fitzpatrick were setting sail on a 10 day trip to Portugal where they will navigate the river Guadiana to the attractive village of Alcoutim which is 25 miles inland from the sea. The furthest journey Phil had previously made in Avon Grace was to Brittany, so this is an exciting venture for him. They travel to Portishead by Friday then take around a day and a half to the Scilly Isles before heading past the Bay Of Biscay to the Atlantic and onto Portugal. A large casserole, plenty of tins and fresh fruit and vegetables will keep them all fed during the 10 day journey. I wish them Bon Voyage and hope to get a picture of their arrival to post here later.
Welcome to Phil Davies. I got chatting to Phil at Lydney Harbour and discovered that the next day Phil and his 'crew', Jim Harris and Rob Fitzpatrick were setting sail on a 10 day trip to Portugal where they will navigate the river Guadiana to the attractive village of Alcoutim which is 25 miles inland from the sea. The furthest journey Phil had previously made in Avon Grace was to Brittany, so this is an exciting venture for him. They travel to Portishead by Friday then take around a day and a half to the Scilly Isles before heading past the Bay Of Biscay to the Atlantic and onto Portugal. A large casserole, plenty of tins and fresh fruit and vegetables will keep them all fed during the 10 day journey. I wish them Bon Voyage and hope to get a picture of their arrival to post here later.
I met this delightful young couple when visiting New Fancy View in the Forest of Dean, a wonderful view point with a 360 degree vista over the forest; I was hoping to photograph a sunset. Unfortunately, the conditions weren't quite right so I returned several days later and bumped into them again. Callum is presently furloughed due to Covid-19 and clearly frustrated that he can't get back to work. Freya is studying and is also frustrated that she won't be able to submit the final work she would have done for her exams.
Both local people, they are clearly in love and enjoying the wonderful evening sunset that made this visit for me extremely worthwhile. Good luck Freya and Callum; I'm sure all will work out soon.
I met this delightful young couple when visiting New Fancy View in the Forest of Dean, a wonderful view point with a 360 degree vista over the forest; I was hoping to photograph a sunset. Unfortunately, the conditions weren't quite right so I returned several days later and bumped into them again. Callum is presently furloughed due to Covid-19 and clearly frustrated that he can't get back to work. Freya is studying and is also frustrated that she won't be able to submit the final work she would have done for her exams.
Both local people, they are clearly in love and enjoying the wonderful evening sunset that made this visit for me extremely worthwhile. Good luck Freya and Callum; I'm sure all will work out soon.
I'd often seen this guy out walking the lanes when I was driving by; he'd signal with his hand and I was never sure whether it was an acknowledgement or some other sort of gesture! Originally from Ross, Lenny is one of the Forest of Dean's true characters and today whilst about to start my short woodland walk, he appeared as if from nowhere, and seeing my cameras asked 'if I'd got anything?". We began a conversation and I learned that Lenny is a Pagan and believes that "things in life happen, you don't make them happen!" He is an artist, and crafts walking sticks from the branches he might find and also the antlers from deer that have passed. What a great character and I just had to take his picture; something apparently he rarely gives. NOTE: Lenny sadly passed away in 2023; his charisma and eccentricity will be missed by all who knew him.
I'd often seen this guy out walking the lanes when I was driving by; he'd signal with his hand and I was never sure whether it was an acknowledgement or some other sort of gesture! Originally from Ross, Lenny is one of the Forest of Dean's true characters and today whilst about to start my short woodland walk, he appeared as if from nowhere, and seeing my cameras asked 'if I'd got anything?". We began a conversation and I learned that Lenny is a Pagan and believes that "things in life happen, you don't make them happen!" He is an artist, and crafts walking sticks from the branches he might find and also the antlers from deer that have passed. What a great character and I just had to take his picture; something apparently he rarely gives. NOTE: Lenny sadly passed away in 2023; his charisma and eccentricity will be missed by all who knew him.
My current daily walk takes me along the River Lydd as it meanders through the forest, creating beautiful views and sounds. I could hear what I thought was a very loud dog until as I got closer I realised there was more than one; fourteen in fact. Here are Annemarie and Faye who are agility trainers with their fourteen border collies aged between four months and thirteen years. Given the current sad situation it was nice to see the enjoyment that the owners were having as their lovely dogs frolicked in the water.
My current daily walk takes me along the River Lydd as it meanders through the forest, creating beautiful views and sounds. I could hear what I thought was a very loud dog until as I got closer I realised there was more than one; fourteen in fact. Here are Annemarie and Faye who are agility trainers with their fourteen border collies aged between four months and thirteen years. Given the current sad situation it was nice to see the enjoyment that the owners were having as their lovely dogs frolicked in the water.
On a recent daily walk through the wonderful Forest of Dean close to home I came across the lovely Connie who is a dog trainer and her beautiful three Border Collies, Fly, Fleur and Surge. Connie's cheerful smile and the obedience shown by these three dogs really cheered up my day.
On a recent daily walk through the wonderful Forest of Dean close to home I came across the lovely Connie who is a dog trainer and her beautiful three Border Collies, Fly, Fleur and Surge. Connie's cheerful smile and the obedience shown by these three dogs really cheered up my day.
I walked past Brian when in Cardiff and thought to myself, I must ask him if I can take his picture, but you're always a little concerned how people might react.
I asked him the question, he looked at me for a few moments then said, "as long as you give me a minute to groom my moustache!". He then retrieved a very small comb from his wallet and proceeded to 'tidy up' his pride and joy.
Brian was in the Welsh Guards and as you can imagine is very proud of that fact. He told me that when attending a special military event recently he was told that his picture would appear in the press; it did, but apparently it was from below his eyes to his chin. Well Brian, this one's for you.
I walked past Brian when in Cardiff and thought to myself, I must ask him if I can take his picture, but you're always a little concerned how people might react.
I asked him the question, he looked at me for a few moments then said, "as long as you give me a minute to groom my moustache!". He then retrieved a very small comb from his wallet and proceeded to 'tidy up' his pride and joy.
Brian was in the Welsh Guards and as you can imagine is very proud of that fact. He told me that when attending a special military event recently he was told that his picture would appear in the press; it did, but apparently it was from below his eyes to his chin. Well Brian, this one's for you.
I met Jim on the streets of Cardiff; I asked if I could take some photographs and contributed to his small fund and we had a chat. He's originally from the West Midlands and around eight years ago had made a comfortable life for himself working hard on the boats in Newquay (Wales), earning a decent wage and renting his own flat. Then an accident at work which crushed his hands meant he couldn't work and he became depressed, life became difficult, his finances dwindled away until he lost his flat. He went back home as his mother was ill, but not long afterwards she sadly passed away. Jim jumped on a train not really knowing where he was going and this is how he came to be in Cardiff, and now homeless; his only companion his trusted four-legged friend. As I said, this is Jim's story, and this is when my People Stories began.
I met Jim on the streets of Cardiff; I asked if I could take some photographs and contributed to his small fund and we had a chat. He's originally from the West Midlands and around eight years ago had made a comfortable life for himself working hard on the boats in Newquay (Wales), earning a decent wage and renting his own flat. Then an accident at work which crushed his hands meant he couldn't work and he became depressed, life became difficult, his finances dwindled away until he lost his flat. He went back home as his mother was ill, but not long afterwards she sadly passed away. Jim jumped on a train not really knowing where he was going and this is how he came to be in Cardiff, and now homeless; his only companion his trusted four-legged friend. As I said, this is Jim's story, and this is when my People Stories began.